Mt Royal ECE Centre Newsletter (August 2018)

MT Royal ECE Centre Newsletter

Winter is slowly starting to melt away, with our warm mid morning days, we are starting to feel and see more of the sun. Not to forget daylight-saving next month, change is around the corner for our seasons as well as our centre, with new equipment and wall displays and natural resources..

With our integration of our environment reflecting the essences of nature and what skills and learning dispositions can be captured through being more in touch with papatuanuku, is taking the centre on a whole new exciting journey discovering the benefits and connections with our children and whanau. This has been especially appreciated with collecting shells, leaves etc., has been gathered and brought in to the centre, so we would like to take this opportunity to thank our families for their contributions.

What’s been Happening!

Big thank you to our Whanau who helped us to celebrate Matariki, coming together and sharing their cultural food and making this evening a great success. Dress-up day was so much fun on Friday in the month of July. We continue to enjoy walking with the children to the Mt Albert summit once a week, we are also discovering many things to talk about on the way to the summit with houses being built and interesting machinery. On that note just a little reminder to please bring a jacket and suitable footwear for the muddy forest walk.

A big thank you to Isis (Ruby’s’ mum) for her contribution towards cooking soup with our Tamariki in the centre, using easy accessible vegetables from home . With a message of healthy eating and nutrition.
The Tamariki along with the kaiako are slowing moving towards using natural resources in the learning environment .
A mud kitchen has been added in the outside play area.

Coming Events:

Library Visit : 9th August

10.30 am Parents are welcome to join in.

ERO review visit August 13th and 14th.

Information about the ERO visit is displayed on the notice board.

Welcome Spring 6th September.


Farewell to Espernaza off to school.

Farewell to Daanya off to school in September.

Happy Birthday August:

Emerson 2yrs old

Iyaan 4yrs old

Nayture 4yrs old

Susan 4 yrs old

September turning 3

Mahera and santiago

Henry turns 2yrs old.

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