Maori Language week 2019!

 Kia Kaha te reo Māori is the theme for this year’s Māori Language Week.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Greetings to you all. 

It was amazing to see how everyone joined their hands together to learn te reo and be part of the teo reo language week. Lots of waitata was sung, story time-maori myths and legend and heaps of words and phrases were learnt by tamariki, kaiako and our lovely whanau also became part of the language week.

On Friday we ended the te reo week by preparing ika and kumara. Tamariki and kaiako got busy cleaning and baking the fish and excited tamariki joined in this process. We also cleaned and cooked kumara. Finally, it was time to enjoy our feast. Yummy Yum!

Wall Display

Myth and Legend:

Te ika nui a Mana / Mana’s great fish

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