Mt Royal – Online Learning Experience 08Apr20

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau of the Mt Royal community,

It was a great pleasure to see you all happy and safe at your homes with your family and taking part in the Mt Royal Online Learning Experience. Thanks to the Zoom application, it is possible for us to have an interaction with you all on daily basis. 

We hope the children have really enjoyed the making of “Salt Dough”. We could see all the children actively participating in making of the dough. It was interesting to see all the tamariki using the roller pin for flattening the dough and further cutting their dough into different shapes of their choice and we are hoping tamariki will decorate their ornaments with the bunch of colors or glitters or with the things of their choice.

We would like to appreciate the parents and Tamariki who came forward to read a story from the book chosen by the tamariki. The story was full of entertainment and we all loved tamariki’s curiosity in reading the book. Kai pai tamariki ma!!!

Also, a big Thank you to parents who are taking their time out from their busy schedules and cooperating with us on these E-learning experiences.

A friendly reminder to keep the artwork of your child and bring it to the Centre after the end of lockdown. You could also click a picture and send it to us with your child’s voice in it.

As we are going to have an “Easter Hunt”, we would like to request the parents to hide these decorated ornaments or something at some different places in your home so that during the session we could ask the children to find their ornaments and they can enjoy this hunt.

For the session we are going to make a cute adorable ‘Easter Bunny’ which was shown by our kaiko in our session. We need a couple of things mentioned below:

  • A pair of socks
  • Two thin rubber bands (any color)
  • Paper (for making eyes and nose)
  • Rice (or anything similar for filling up the socks)
  • Ribbons or any colorful thread for decoration
  • Scissor
  • Glue

Please don’t panic if rice is not available. We can use newspapers, cotton or old clothes for filling up the socks. Please do remember to preserve all your artwork together and dated. We will bring together and combine into a form of art book for each child after we get everything back to normal.

Should you have any ideas, suggestions or changes towards our online learning experience, please do not hesitate to give us a shout. Any feedback is highly appreciated, and we will take your comments, suggestions and try to get the most for our children (tamariki) and whanau.

We all are looking forward to see you all at 3PM !! Parents having difficulty connecting, please call, email, text or whatsapp and we will try to resolve your problem. Please remain connected specially in these trying times.

Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page and the Website for all other information.

Stay Safe, Stay Home.

Take care everyone! 

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