
Please contact the Centre for the latest fees and specials.

Enrolment / administration Fee: For all children a one off payment of $50 will be charged as enrolment fee.

  • All fees are required to be paid by internet banking at least one week in advance at all times.
  • An administration fee of $50 is required to be paid in addition to the first week’s fee before the child starts at the Centre.
  • Fees are required to be paid for all days a child is enrolled regardless of attendance which is affected by health, personal reasons or public holidays.
  • The Centre will be closed on all public holidays. However fees are still required to be paid for these days as staff will still need to be paid.
  • Written notification is required from families for child absence of three weeks or more for health, holiday or any other reasons.
  • Families are required to notify the Centre at least two weeks in advance prior to the child finishing at the Centre.
  • Work and Income subsidies are available for families who qualify for this. The Centre will charge full fees until a subsidy has been approved and the Centre has been paid or notified in writing by WINZ. Any subsequent credit due to the family will be credited to the child’s future account.
  • Families receiving WINZ subsidies are responsible for ensuring their subsidy is maintained and reviewed as necessary. If a subsidy changes or stops the family will be liable for all fees owing.
  • Any delays or under payment by WINZ as a result of family neglect of the subsidy will be charged directly to the family.
  • Families will be required to advise the Centre in writing of any changes to their child’s enrolment hours.
  • Additional fees may be requested for extra curricular activities such as excursions.
  • The fee schedule will be reviewed annually to ensure the Centre is able to meet the needs of the budget and stay in tune with inflation and current market expectations.