Mt Royal – Online Learning Experience 16Apr20

Kia Ora and Hello to Parents, Caregivers and Whanau

Today our session was full of excitement and about things that not too many of us knew about. It was so kind of parents to arrange materials and resources to make the session possible. We thank you for your kindness and effort in allowing your child to participate in these Learning experiences!!

We the Kaioko, would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to the Whanau of the children who allow for smooth and supported E-Learning sessions day after day. We extend our thanks and acknowledgement out to you, thank you all so much!

We can successfully say that we have completed the third week of the COVID 19 lockdown doing E-Learning with each other and of course seeing the enthusiastic tamariki and whanau; it is heartening for us all to partake in making and forming cherish able memories with you and the Tamariki.

What a fantastic learning experience we had today with the “OCTOPUS” activity; found it fitting to give it the name “SOCTOPUS”. We could see it needed a lot of patience and concentration. Thank you, all!!!!

We also love seeing tamariki reading as they make this session interesting and full of laughter. So tamariki, Kai Pai!!

Please tamariki do get ready with your selected book for the following day.

For tomorrow’s session, we will all be making a Volcano together, all in the space of your house. Can’t wait to do this learning experience with you all!!

Please arrange the following materials for this learning experience:

  • A piece of cardboard or newspaper
  • Red colour / paint / food colouring
  • Water bottle (recyclable bottle)
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Masking tape / cello tape

It is totally fine if you don’t happen to have all the materials as we will still be able to make do.

If parents could please keep all your child’s artwork and date it all as well, that would be highly appreciated. Please bring the children’s creations to the Centre when we return after the lockdown. Also, we would appreciate if you could take a picture and forward it to us and your child’s feedback / voice about the learning experience or anything he/she found to be difficult or easy, including any comments which you, yourself would like to make.

I would also like to draw parent’s attention to the availability of the FREE TV learning initiative which the Government has set up to manage out of school children. There are programmes on the TV which guide and assist children through their learning from 9am to 3pm during the weekdays. These can be found on channels TVNZ 2+1, TVNZ on Demand and SKY- channel 502.

We the Kaiako at Mt Royal fully endorse this initiative and the fact that learning may become easier for children and doesn’t necessarily have to occur while under supervision by either parents or Kaiako – in some way this is almost student led. The program began on the 15th of April and will run for about 10 weeks, unless stated otherwise by the Government; whatever we hear in terms of any changes made or to the lockdown/online session, you all will be the first to know about it.

Please do not hesitate to call should you have any ideas, suggestions, or feedback regarding these online sessions, after all these sessions are built and formed to make the most of your child’s time in Lockdown.

We have been informed that there are some parents who are finding it difficult to connect with the rest of us online – in any situation like this, please do not hesitate to call, email or text us to help you back online and back in session!

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at 3pm.

Be kind, stay safe and stay home within your bubble.

Also don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and check for updates on our Website.

Kavita and The Team

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